
This months synth-DIY meeting was a great success, Nils Edvardsson showed some of his creations, a wave table oscillator and a switched capacitor filter and we looked at a couple of other interesting projects.

We also decided to do a workshop in early 2012 where the participants will build a custom version of the Benjolin noisemaker, stay tuned!



EMS presents the Synth DIY gathering  on Wednesday November 30
Anyone who is interested in building, modifying or repairing synthesizers and other devices is very welcome to join us. Don't expect tuition led by a teacher, but rather a forum where we learn from eachother. Nevertheless, we will organize lectures, workshops and DIY evenings for beginners and advanced builders alike, within the context of these get-togethers.

This time inventor and musician Nils Edvardsson will bring some of his prototypes for public testing. His latest projects include a Buchla inspired wave table oscillator with USB, a switched capacitor filter and voltage controlled digital delays and granular synthesis modules. His modules feature full analog interfaces and mixed micro controlled and analog circuitry on the inside.

Some of our attendants will also start planning a project building a series of Rob Hordijks "Benjolin" (gör ordet till länk: noise box with a nice front panel by Jon Nensén

Feel free to bring you own constructions, drawings, sketches etc. Soldering-irons and ordinary tools can be borrowed on location. 
Any queries should be adressed to . Write "DIY" in the subject line.
Wednesday the 30:th of November from 18:00-22:00 is our next date. Adress: EMS, Söder Mälarstrand 61, near T-bana Mariatorget, Stockholm.

benjolin kretskort

Monitor sänder direkt från Inkonst i Malmö i samarbete med EMS

Artister: Lauren Hayes, Ida Lundén, Pär Thörn

Datum: 23/11

Tid: 20:00

Rum: Klubben

Kursen består av 10 timmars undervisning fördelad på fyra tillfällen.


måndag 5/12

onsdag 7/12

måndag 12/12

onsdag 14/12

Tid: kl.18:00 - ca 21:00 inkl.paus

Plats: Konferensrummet på EMS

Max antal deltagare: 8 st.

Lärare: Lise-Lotte Norelius

Pris: 600:- inkl. moms för EMS-användare

Du måste ha lap-top med dig.

Kursen är fullbokad. Anmäl intresse till:

It´s time for Sound of Stockholm!

Unio Mystica

En dikt- och dansmeditation av författaren Marianne Linder och koreografen Björn Elisson
Inspirerad av en dikt av Marianne Linder skapar Björn Elisson två solon för de erfarna dansarna Anja Birnbaum och Hans Nilsson. Unio Mystica är minnet av en meditation, en upplevelse av att känna sig nära och ett med naturen och det skapade. Unika kostymer av Charles Koroly och elektroakustisk musik av Kent Tankred.
Urpremiär på Dansmuseet, Stockholm, torsdag 20 oktober kl 12.30
Speldagar: 20, 21, 26, 27, 28 oktober kl. 12.30 och 22, 23, 29, 30 oktober kl. 14.00
Björn Elisson och Marianne Linder har samarbetat i drygt 20 år och skapat ett tiotal verk tillsammans. Samarbetet vilar på flera gemensamma intressen, bl a alkemi och meditation. Detta är tredje gången deras verk visas på Dansmuseet. Läs mer om Unio Mystica på

Biljetter: 150 kronor 
Biljettbeställning: 08-441 76 51

Med stöd av Statens kulturråd, Stockholms stad, Stockholms läns landsting och EMS

Ben Vida from New York is our guest composer this week. Do not miss his shows in Sweden, 25th September @ Riche and 26th @ Hemliga Trädgården.

EMS presents the first Synth DIY gathering this fall!
Anyone who is interested in building, modifying or repairing synthesizers and other devices is very welcome to join us. Don't expect tuition led by a teacher, but rather a forum where we learn from eachother. Nevertheless, we will organize lectures, workshops and DIY evenings for beginners and advanced builders alike, within the context of these get-togethers.
Jörgen Bergfors who is a prominent Swedish synth builder will hold a short talk on his AMORE scalable analog module concept and will answere your questions about his fabulous modular synths.
Feel free to bring you own constructions, drawings, sketches etc. Soldering-irons and ordinary tools can be borrowed on location. 
Any queries should be adressed to . Write "DIY" in the subject line.
Wednesday the 28:th of September from 18:00-22:00 is our next date. Adress: EMS, Söder Mälarstrand 61, near T-bana Mariatorget, Stockholm
amore starterkit 110822-5

Jean-Philippe Antoine is a guest composer at EMS (August 2011). He is in Stockholm to work with Leif Elggren. Originally a teacher of theory of history of art and a visual artist, he has become more and more involved in sound art projects. His collaboration with Leif Elggren started with a lecture-performance about visual artist Marcel Broodthaers in which Leif's sounds and live mixing played an important part. Since then they have started working on more collaborative projects, one of which was issued 18 months ago as a 7" vinyl record on Leif's Label, Firework Edition.

Starts at 18:00

Quadraphonic, location-specific sound installations by Helene Hedsund, Girilal Baars, Boa Pettersson, Magnus Johansson and Eva Erbenius will be played in one of the rooms at Forsby Kvarn  . In April 2010, the EAM professional course went to Forsby kvarn carrying with them a selection of different types of microphones. Sound-engineer Agnieszka Lewalski, their teacher, guided them and demonstrated different recording techniques. The composers have all made different sound installations with the sounds they recorded: e.g. Helene used sounds from a saw blade and Eva used sounds recorded with a hydrophone.

Forsby kvarn 2011

Spelplats: Amfiteatern vid Mors stuga, Långholmen kl.13:00-16:00

Vid regn: Fylkingen, Torkel Knutssongt. 2, T-bana Mariatorget

läs mer:  VEMS facebook:

at Södra Teatern: time for this year's Norbergmodul. Don't miss this, especially if you can't go to the Norberg festival! There will be sets by Zbigniew Karkowski / Anton Lukoszevieze, Helena Gough, Wobbulator and Linny Hex!

Saturday 13 August 2011 at 14:00 in Trädgården (the garden), Stora gatan 9, Lövstabruk (Norduppland).