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When:                                     Saturday 24 August 10.00-17.00 & Sunday 25 August 10.00-16.00, 2024 (including lunch break)
Where:                                    Elektronmusikstudion, Söder Mälarstrand 61, Stockholm
Language:                              Swedish or English
Fee:                                        1500 SEK (including VAT)
Registration deadline:          Open until 11 August 2024.
                                                If a seleection is needed due to limited seats at the workshop, a selection will prioritize building a group with a variety of backgrounds. 
Prerequisites:                        You need elemental skills in working with sounds in a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) that you are familiar with.
                                                You don’t need to be a composer or musician to participate. The applicant must be at least 18 years old.

During the workshop we will have the opportunity to examine a microscopic, non-narrative perspective on sound,
unlocking a different way of listening to sounds and music.

The workshop consists of practical work and group analysis. Through listening exercises, we discover/ look for
“electronic sounds” within analog sound sources and materials.

We will also explore and make recordings of different materials as well as outdoor recordings. We discover interesting
sounds in unexpected places.

Composing short pieces is part of the workshop and some homework.


Hanna Hartman is an award-winning composer, sound artist and performer based in Berlin. She has composed works for radio, electroacoustic music, ensembles, sound installations and performed live worldwide. Her work has been presented in numerous concerts and festivals around the world such as Darmstädter Ferienkurse, Ultima Oslo Contemporary Music Festival, Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, El Nicho Aural Mexico City, Akousma Montreal, London Contemporary Music Festival , Other Minds Festival San Francisco, Eclat Festival Stuttgart, Cut & Splice Festival Manchester, Rainy Days Luxemburg and Roma Europa Festival Rome.

Her new commissioned work MONO can be experienced at EMS 60th Anniversy Exhibition Elektronmusikstudion EMS – art, technology and politics at Scenkonstmuseet in Stockholm until 1 September 2024.


Application and terms
Make sure you are able to attend the course before applying.
When you send your application you will receive a confirmation that it has been registrated.
After the selection process, an admission letter will be emailed to you. 
When offered a seat at the course, you need to confirm that you want to attend the course no later than August 18, 2024
A few days later you will recieve another email with the invoice.
The fee must be paid in advance to participate in the course.

Cancellation must be received in writing by email no later than August 18, 2024
If canceled on August 19 or closer to the course, 100% of the course fee will be charged.

The fee must be paid in advance to participate in the course.
The payment must be done by direct wire transfer to our bank in Sweden.
The payment must be made in Swedish currency SEK.
It's not possible to pay by PayPal or similar.

Elektronmusikstudion is part of Statens musikverk (National Collections of Music, Theatre and Dance).
Musikverket is a gender-integrated authority with a gender equality and norm-critical perspective throughout its activities.
If selection for the course has to be made, the selection will be based accordingly with Musikverket’s perspectives.

Canceled or rescheduled course
Elektronmusikstudion reserves the right to cancel the course, change dates for lectures, teachers and course fee. If this happens, you will be notified by email.
Any paid course fees will be refunded if course is canceled. No other compensation is paid.

If you miss a lecture there is no possibility to repeat the lecture later in the course, or receive financial compensation for the missed lecture.


If any questions, please contact Education Coordinator at Elektronmusikstudion:  


 Apply here