Nicola Ratti is a multifaceted musician and sound designer who has been active for years in various experimental fields. His sound production creates systems that take shape from repetition and dilation, with particular attention to the construction of environments that gravitate in relation to the space and architecture we inhabit and balancing the emotional and perceptive orientations to which we are accustomed.

by Max Zavalya 01

Photo by Max Zavalya

Born in Milan in 1978, he has performed solo or in other groups in Europe, North America, Russia and Japan and his albums have been published by various international labels. As a musician he has collaborative projects such as Bellows with Giuseppe Ielasi, NR / MA with Masato Egashira, What We Do When in Silence with Alessandra Novaga and Enrico Malatesta, Superpaesaggio with Malatesta and Attila Faravelli.

As a composer and sound-designer, his works cross different fields starting from the theatre, as the main context, to cinema through performing arts, radio works and sound-art in international contexts such as theater festivals, biennials and museums. Member and co-founder of Standards, a cultural center active in Milan between 2015 and 2022, he curates and organizes events that focus on the relationship between sound, space and body.