Tatiana Rosa is an interdisciplinary artist based in Amsterdam whose research is based on the empowering force of sound as agency. This distillation of sound is manifested both through artistically informed sonification processes, endowing materialities with sonic idiosyncrasies, as well as exploring alternative asynchronous and/or synesthetic relations between the sonic and the nonsonic. Tatiana’s use of these mechanisms are pivotal in
shaping narratives that expand upon conventional boundaries of communication, while stimulating our (meta)sonic imagination.


Photo by Kim Krijnen

The use of electronics and digital tools, as well as the literal and/or intuitive interpretation of data within these processes constitutes a central part of her work. The integration of multimedia and interactive systems allows for the existence of a strong relation and interplay between sound and its surrounding technological environment.

Through her practice, she aims to disrupt the mainstream use of technology and data driven experiences, by subverting their use while fostering connections between art, social inequality, and technological impact.

