Georgie McVicar & Laurel Uziell

At EMS 24 February–2 March, 2025

Photo by Sophie Hoyle

Egg Meat is the horrible produce of Tooth Rust aka Laurel Uziell and Georgie McVicar, featuring the vocal folds resonating inside the throat of the poet Danny Hayward. The source of such rarefactions does not mean that some relation of identity can be drawn between the speaker, the sounds, and their segmentation into words. Maybe the words are spoken, but they do not speak: chopped and screwed and slopped and crude, worms writhing themselves through the loam, at times surfacing as meaningful utterances, at others buried under dense sonic matter. In Philip Sherburne’s review of the self-titled Egg Meat EP, he described these vocal experiments as “unintelligible phrases [that] appear as though from the depths of a fever dream; single words surface, like rotted logs in a flood tide, and slip back beneath the murk.” The cassette also received coverage from The Wire, The Quietus, Ransom Note, ATTN, and DJ Mag.