Evelin Lindberg

At EMS December 2024

Photo: Anders Scheldrup Hassel

Evelin Lindberg is a sound and media artist based in Oslo, and a Guest composer at EMS in December. With a keen interest in the intersections of digital cultures and art, Lindberg explores technology as a lens shaping our perceived reality through multi-channel sound and video, websites and apps, performances, installations, happenings and other extended and work-specific formats.

A central aim in Lindberg’s work is to unveil processes that are typically hidden or implicit and render them in a tangible way. Works such as Scribbles (2018) and conveyor#1 (2024) revolve around the process of authoring, producing and interpreting a (musical) work, while works such as No Title (No Filter) I-IIB, ALIASING and M-105 challenge the interfaces between audience, composer and performer through production, deconstruction and remodelling of acoustic and digital instruments and distribution formats.

Evelin has a bachelor’s degree from the Norwegian Academy of Music and Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Stuttgart. Their works have been programmed at festivals and events such as Ultima, Darmstädter Ferienkurse, BROWSER SOUND and IRCAM forum.

As part of their EMS residency, Evelin will produce sound for an upcoming instalment of the ALIASING project, exploring questions about the formation of identity through the continuity of memory, and aberrations in this experienced continuity as a direct analogue to the distinct glitches emerging from discrete representation of continuous media.