Eunhee Cho

At EMS July 7–August 3, 2025

Cho Eunhee is a composer, performer and sound artist who has continued to perform and explore traditional music as well as expand into the realm of audio visuals that visualize electronic music and sound based on classical compositions. She continues to pursue her own unique creative world, refusing to hesitate to collaborate with diverse and experimental genres at the same time.

She’ve been trying to bridge the boundaries between music and noise, and she’ve been trying to combine traditional musical languages, soundscape, and electronic music.

Not only within the genre of music, but also working with artists in other fields such as theatre, dance and fine art, making her own sound in it.

Recently, She is interested in experimenting with the relationship between improvisation and structural music, and continuing with the space-based “Sound Map Project” and the “Post-Music Theatre” where voice and electronic music meet. She will continue to expand her identity as a musician by crossing the boundaries of genres from experimental music to classical music.

This residency is kindly supported by the Arts Council Korea